Mistletoe (VAE) Botanical Medicine
Mistletoe (VAE) (also known as Botanical Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Medicinal Botany, Medical Herbalism, Phytotherapy, and Phytomedicine) is medicine derived from whole leaves, roots, stems, and plant extracts in order to promote health and prevent and treat illness. Sometimes the scope of herbal medicine is extended to include fungi and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts.
Mistletoe (VAE) and Cancer
Our bodies have co-evolved with plants, both as food and medicine, for millions of years. There is a deep connection between humans and plants at many levels, from the intuitive and instinctive to the subcellular. It is possible to tap into this connection for the benefit of cancer patients. Botanical medicines are complex mixtures of natural pharmacological agents, simultaneously exerting influence on different phases of cancer via diverse mechanisms, but which are harmonious with the body’s functions. Many plants have furnished modern medicine with drugs that are used in cancer therapy as cytotoxic agents. In fact, plants are the original source of most pharmaceuticals.. From the point of view of botanical medicine, two therapeutic requirements are essential when treating cancer. These are the Immunomodulating herbs, and the Adaptogenic herbs. The use of herbal medicine in the treatment of cancer is an important tool to support overall cancer treatment methods whilst also having in its own right the ability to influence and enhance positive therapeutic results. It is irrefutable that within the many integrative strategies available for the treatment of cancer the huge benefits of botanical medicines top the list.